ROD 082214
Friday, 22Aug14
Conditioning = 4 Rounds
- Dynamax Ball Ascending Toss
- Battling Rope Squat in/out
- Inch Worn /Ankle Hops
- In & Out Hurdles
Set up Dyna Balls from lightest to heaviest 8#, 10#,12#,16# and 25#. Have members go up the line and toss the balls in the air from a squat to stand position two times each ball.
Set up 2 ropes parallel from each other a little wider than shoulder width. Start in a squat position outside the ropes and jump forward to just inside the ropes and so on…
Inch out on hands and then pike back hopping using ankles.
Set up hurdles and the member will laterally go up and backwards through each of the hurdles.
Rest 2 minutes
Perform each movement in each triplet for 20 seconds non-stop for 8 rounds. Complete one triplet, rest for 1 minute.
Triplet #1
- Kettlebell Clean & Press R (from floor)
- Mountain Climbers
- Kettlebell Clean & Press L (from floor)
Triplet #2
- Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
- Sit-outs
- Dumbbell Lateral Lunges
Triplet #3
- Dumbbell Crab Reaches R
- Plank Climbers
- Dumbbell Crab Reaches L