ROD 092615


Saturday, 25Sept15


Balls to the Floors & Walls

Each member will partner up and they will count and score each others rounds.

  • 1 minute Wall Ball shots
  • 1 minute Pushups
rest 1:00
  • 1 minute Jack Back Ball Slams
  • 1 minute Sit-outs
rest :45
  • 1 minute MB (small) Lunge Jumps
  • 1 minute MB (small) Kneel-Kneel/Stand-Stand w/ Ball Overhead
rest :30
  • 1 minute Lateral Ball Slams
  • 1 minute Sit-outs
rest :15
  • 1 minute Wall Ball shots
  • 1 minute Pushups

Score is total reps accumulated and then posted for future reference.
