HIIT 110615

Sunday, 06Nov16

Warm-up: 2rds
1 minute Jump Rope
30 seconds Mtn Climber
1 minute (20seceach) Jumping-Seal-Fling Jacks
30 seconds Frog Push-ups
1 minute (20seceach) Forward-lateral-Rear Lunges
30 second Groiners
1 minute Skipping w/clapp
30 second Hollow Out


Pre-Game: 9-Minute EMOM

Minute 1,4 &7:  Parking Lot Sprint  <—->

Minute 2,5 &8: 30 Second Stone Hold

Minute 3,6 &9:  30 Second Stone Wall Sit*

* Pick a Stone (or heavy ball) and hold it in your Lap. Be a badass!!!!!


Workout: 10 Rounds (20 Minute Cap)

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Ground to Overhead
  • 15 Dynamax Squat Jumps*

*Hold the DynaMax on the top of your head, squat and jump and Press the DMax