HIIT 121716
Saturday 17Dec16
Warm-up: 2rds ….my favorite
- Warm-up: 2rds
- 1 minute Skipping W/Clapp
- 30 seconds Mtn Climber
- 1 minute (20secea) Jumping-Seal-Fling Jacks
- 30 seconds Frog Push-ups
- 1 minute (20secea) Forward-lateral-Rear Lunges
- 30 second Groiners
1:30 Jump Rope
Pre-game: 6-Minute Partner AMRAP
- 12 Dumbbell Snatches (6 Each Arm)
- 12 Slam Ball
- 20 Second Rest
*At the 6 minute marke 12 Burpees
Work in groups of 2-5 and create your own full body workout by selecting 1 exercise from the following categories.
Then perform those exercises for the following work/rest intervals for 4 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds.
Times to follow – 60/30, 40/20, 30/15 & 20/10
1. Full Body : Burpees – Slam Ball- Snatch Pull – Thrusters
2. Lower Body: Goblet Squats – Weighted Squat Jumps – Deadlifts – DB Step-ups – Dynamic Squats – Box Jumps
3. Upper Body: DB Push Press- Pull-ups – Renegade Rows-Push-ups – Hang Clean – High Pulls (sumo / reg stance)
4. Core: Plank Variations – Sit-outs – Walk-outs – V-ups – Mtn Climbers
5. Conditioning: Jump Rope- Run- Sled – Airdyne Bike (first come first serve)
If your not sure of a movement …. ask !
Challenge – Challenge – Challenge, you’ll be better for it.