LIFT 050917
Tuesday , 09May17
-Warm-up: 2rds (30 sec each)
- Skips
- Seal Jacks
- PVC Pass Through
- Groiners w/ T-stab
- Push Through Push-up
- Supermans
1:30 Jump Rope
-Partner Workout: Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times
- Floor Press: 5 sets of 8reps + 2 set of 3
- Chin-ups: 32 Reps – 4 sets or less
- DB Forward Raise – 6 sets for 6 reps (3r/3l)
Make sure your resting between sets for full recovery. Remember you should only be able to lift the weight chosen for the desired reps.
-Finisher: 4rds 20/10 Non-stop
- Bent Over Lateral Raise
- Sit-outs
- KB Shoulder Pass
- Squat Thrusts
-Core: Partner D-max Ab Wheel
- 7 Over Head Toss
- 7 Chest Pass
- 7 R hand Push Pass
- 7 L hand Push Pass
- 7 Long Arm Toss R
- 7 Long Arm Toss L
Posted in 5for5 Training, Bodyweight, Circuit, Conditioning, Core, Fat Burner, Finisher, Full Body Strength, Group Fittness, Heavy Week, Jump Rope, Lift, Partner Workout, Stretching, Warm-up