June 20, 2023

Group Warm-up

  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 40 High Knees
    • 20 Seal Jacks
    • 10 Banded Thrusters
  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 Plank to alt Toe Tap
    • 30 sec Pigeon Stretch (R)
    • 30 sec Pigeon Stretch (L)

Pre-Game (3 Rds)

    • 200 m Run
    • 15-10-5 Kneeling Slam Ball
  • Perform all 3 sets of slam balls in increasing weight each round.

Triplets Workout

Perform 4 rounds of each triplet with a 1 min plank after each.

  • Triplet #1
    • 6 BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
    • 8 BB Floor Press
    • 10 H2H Swings
  • Triplet #2
    • 6 Burpees
    • 8 Goblet Squat
    • 10 KB Figure 8’s
  • Triplet #3
    • 5 Spiderman Mt Climber (R+L=1)
    • 10 Hanging Knee Raises
    • 15 Hollow Out Switches (R+L=1)

Extra Credit (3 Rds)

  • 8-8-8 Kneeling KB Curls (Decreasing Wt)
  • 16 Banded Triceps Push Downs