ROD 052612
Saturday, 26May12
“It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who gave us the freedom to demonstrate
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag.
And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag.”
Father Dennis Edward O’Brien, USMC
There will only be a 9am classes on Monday, 28May12 Memorial Day, NO EVENING SESSIONS.Enjoy your holiday.
Sanity Saturday
8 rounds of 20 seconds work /10 seconds rest at each couplet.
Alternate between the couplet movements for 8 rounds with a 1 minute rest in between rounds.
- TRX Jumping Squats
- Battling Ropes
Recover 1 minute
- 180 Stepper Jumps
- 180 Slam Ball Lunges
Recover 1 minute, Then outdoors…weather permitting for…
- Shuttle Run
- Barbell Farmers Walk (Heavy, Heavy, Heavier)
Last Day To Make A Difference…..
Coach Chris is taking part in the Spring Lake 5 Mile Run this Saturday may 26th to raise money for the Embrace Kids
This is a non-profit organization in New Brunswick, NJ that is committed to enhance and support the quality of life and care for children with cancer and to provide the much needed support services for those children and their families.
We all want to help Coach Chris raise as much money as he can for this great cause. All of the proceeds go to the Embrace Kids-Front & Center scholarship Fund that was created to aid pediatric cancer survivors.
So here is what we are doing to make this special and fun…
Let’s help Chris raise money by clicking on the below link which will take you to his personal fundraising page where you can make an online tax deductible donation to help him reach his fundraising goal.
For every dollar NLP members donate Coach Chris will match in reps. For example, NLP members donate $1000, Coach Chris will perform a specially designed ROD consisting of 1000 reps. Coach’s Donald & Juan will program the ROD, (oh-oh watch out) then video the workout and post it on FB.
Click on the below link and start donating. No contribution is too small. Let’s give Coach Chris a taste of his own medicine. As of today, Coach Chris is doing 500+ reps. He said ” I can do that in my sleep”. Let’s crank up the donations to help Embrace Kids Organization while getting revenge on Coach Chris.
The Embrace Kids Foundation is near and dear to Coach Chris’s heart. If it’s important to him then let’s make every effort to make a difference, NLP !
The NLP Trim Down is well on the way….. One week down three to go.
I hope everyone is sticking with it and doing their best. Remember, this is not a BIGGEST LOSER weight lose event. Most of us couldn’t and don’t need to lose much weight.
Let’s focus on eating smart, training insane and getting ready for summer.
Don’t think that just because the names are no longer on the white board that I have forgotten about who signed up. Even Coach Donald is on that list, Holy Shizznit!!!
Here is the proof.