HIIT 071316
Wednesday, 13July16
Warm-up: 9 min AMRAP
- 1 min Jump Rope
- 25 Air Squats
- 20 Toe Taps
- 15 Mtn Climbers
- 10 Long Sit-ups
- 5 Push Through Push-ups
- 1 Sprint in Parking Lot
6 min EMOM Partner Tag – perform 5 SOBJB’s tag your partner and they do the same. The remaining time is your rest. Switch starter each round.
- 5/3 Step Over Box Jump Burpees
HIIT Tabata
8 rounds of 20 second work and 10 seconds rest. 1 minute then move on to the next.
- Jumping pull-ups
- Slam Ball
- Sled Push
- Figure 8 to Hold
- Half Burpees
This is a HIIT mode so 110%