LIFT 112817
Tuesday, 28Nov17
Group Warm-up: 2rds
- Air Squat to Right Rear Lunge
- Air Squat to Left Rear Lunge
- Fling Jacks
- Bear Crawl (forward & back)
- Crab Wall (forward&back)
- Knee to Elbow Plank
1:30 Jump Rope
Workout: 500 Reps AFAP
- 100 Air Squats
- 100 BP Snatch
- 100 Box Jumps
- 100 KB Swings
- 100 Burpees
Rules are….. finish as fast as possible, do all the reps and mix it up or finish each movement before moving onto the next.
Posted in Bodyweight, Box Jumps, Burpees, Core, Fat Burner, Full Body Strength, Group Fittness, Heavy Week, HIIT Week, Jump Rope, Kettlebell, Warm-up