HIIT 101716
Monday, 17Oct16
Warm-up: Bodyweight/Flex/Mobility/ 2rds
3o second/15 seconds Rest/1 min rest
- Low Jumping Jacks
- Plank Climbers (alternating lead a
- Single-arm overhead deep squat (right)
- Single-arm overhead deep squat (left)
- Close grip Burpee into sumo stance jump
- Diamond leg sit-ups
- Push-ups
- Plank (straight arm) to diagonal knee tuck
- 1 minute rest
Strength: 9 minute EMOM
1 Clean & Press + 2 Push Press
*increase your weight on the 4th and 7th minute
Workout: Metabolic Strength
15/15 seconds for 20 minutes ~ No rest
- Hand release Push-Ups
- Reclines
- Box Jumps
- Kettlebell Swing