LIFT 052417
Wednesday, 24May17
Warm-up: 2 Rounds
- 300m Run
- 12 Walking Lunge
- 8 PVC Pass Throughs
- 30 Sec Tree Climb (alt side ea rd)
Partner Workout: Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times
1. BB Deadlifts – 3 sets x 5reps + 3sets x 1
2. 40yd Sled Pull Ups x3
2a. 40yd Sled Row x3
3. BB Shoulder Press 3 sets x 5 reps
Make sure your resting between sets for full recovery. Remember you should only be able to lift the weight chosen for the desired reps.
40yd Sprint/ 10 Skaters / 15 Power Jacks (touch ankles to overhead) – AMRAP 4min
Rest 1:30
Single KB Deadlifts / Single KB Cleans / KB High Pull.
20-20-20 x4 = 4min Circuit
Posted in 5for5 Training, AMRAP, Bodyweight, Circuit, Conditioning, Endurance, Finisher, Full Body Strength, Group Fittness, Lift, Partner Workout, Running, Sled, Sprints, Squats, Triplet's, Warm-up