HIIT 101716

Tuesday, 17Oct16


Warm-up: 3rds

1-min On Air-Dyne
* 30 sec- squat and hold
* 30 sec- hang and hold
* 30 sec- hollow-out


Pre Game: 6/ 90 sec rounds
5 Squat Cleans
10 Kettlebell Swings (24K/16K)
15 Split Jumps

*Every 2 Rounds Change Your Weight

Workout: Circuit Style

6 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
* Single Arm Reclines
* Battling ropes
* Dumbbbell snatches (alt’g sides)
* Shuttle Run
* DB Thrusters
* Mtn Climbers

Let’s do this circuit style with 1:00 between each round.