HIIT 050117
Monday, 01May17
2 min Jump Rope, followed by 2rds of the following movements for 30 sec each
Drop Squats
Forward/Rear Lunge
PVC Pass Through
Up/Down Dog
Hollow Out
Pre-Game: 4-Minute EMOM
- Odd: 7 Light Thrusters
- Even: 30 sec on the Airdyne
Workout: 21-Minute AMRAP
- 1 min Jump Rope
- 10 Burpee Box Jumps
- 1 min Jump Rope
- 15 Kettlebell Squat Clean
- 1 min Jump Rope
- 20 Kettlebell Snatches – 10 Each Arm
Strength: Negative Bench Press
- 7 Sets of 3
Core: 3 rds
- 10 Supermans w/ PVC
- 20 Curl-ups w/ PVC